I have an UITabbarViewController with 3 tabbar items with a navigationbar. When I will press my first item of tabbar item there will be a button at the view.
Now my question is when I will press the button, then it will go to the another tabbarview controller which have also 3 tabbar items. How can I do that?
UITabbarViewController[with navigation bar]--->tabaritem [1] + tabaritem [2] + tabaritem [3]
tabaritem [1] viewcontroller is taking a button when I will press button the another UITabbarcontroller will be shown at the screen.
UITabbarcontroller[2] [with navigation bar]--->tabaritem [1] + tabaritem [2] + tabaritem [3]
I am new to iPhone application development.
One more thing is that I can't use table view for two tabbarcontroller because my first tabbar item of first tabbar is taking a login page so when user will able to log in then he will see second tabbarviewcontroller.
Instead of swapping out the whole controller, why not just remove and add tab bar items for each of your modes? When your in your first mode, show tab bar items 1,2 and 3. If someone hits one, then remove all those items, and add items 4,5 and 6. Use the tag on the items to keep track of them.