Clear the cache memory of webview2 WPF while runtime
I am trying to delete the cache memory stored by WPF webview2, I am defining the userfolder but not finding any proper method to delete the userfolder. I don't want to dispose the webview2 as it will loose some other information apart from cache memory I just want to delete the login credentials and history of webview2
async void WebFullSCreenInitialize()
string browseExe = exePath + "\\Microsoft.WebView2";
string cacheFolder = exePath + "\\Cache";
var op = new CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions("--disable-web-security ; --autoplay- policy=no-user-gesture-required");
var env = await CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(browseExe, cacheFolder, op);
await externalWebFullSCreen.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(env);
In WPF you can clear the cache folder create by Webview2 at runtime. On specific event just call a method
public Void clearCacheWebview()
externalWebFullSCreen.Source = new URI("your url after clearing thecache");
Make sure you are using the latest webview version as CoreWebView2.Profile.ClearBrowsingDataAsync is available to latest version.