So, I've seen Records spanning over multiple lines in graphviz and I tried to come up with a simpler test - which ended up being this:
graph G{
A11[ shape = Mrecord, label="A.11 Access Control|"+
So, I tried to test this online - ironically, the plotter recommended by themselves, which is, fails on this example with Expected ",", ";", "<", "\"", "]", NUMBER or UNICODE_STRING but "+" found.
... however, if I plot using Kroki - then it works?!
So, my questions are:
versions support this kind of "line splitting" - and how do I get to know, if this or that online plotter, supports this kind of line splitting (aside from pasting the example and letting it pass or fail)?The bug is in "Graphviz Visual Editor" (provided by a Graphviz developer, but not part of the Graphviz package).
Using the command line dot, both versions of the concatenation syntax work.
From the language spec (
As another aid for readability, dot allows double-quoted strings to span
multiple physical lines using the standard C convention of a backslash
immediately preceding a newline character². In addition, double-quoted
strings can be concatenated using a '+' operator.
If you want/need to use the "Graphviz Visual Editor", this works:
graph G{
// use backslash (\) at end-of-line
// note, no internal double-quotes (")
B11[ shape = Mrecord, label="B.11 Access Control|\