Im using zustand to create a global state with an array of ToDos, I have the functions to add, remove and toggle done/undone each todo.
I'm also using Dnd Kit to drag and drop each ToDo component and reorder them in the global context, for that I need to create a reorderTodo function inside the zustand store in this way:
const handleDragEnd = (event: any) => {
const { active, over } = event;
if ( !== {
const newIndex = filteredTodos.findIndex(
(todo) => ===
setFilteredTodos((filteredTodos) => {
const oldIndex = filteredTodos.findIndex(
(todo) => ===
return arrayMove(filteredTodos, oldIndex, newIndex);
reorderTodo(, newIndex);
import { create } from "zustand";
export const useTodosStore = create(() => ({
todos: [
{ id: 1, text: "Learn TypeScript", done: true },
{ id: 2, text: "Try immer", done: false },
{ id: 3, text: "Tweet about it", done: false },
addTodo: (text: string, done: boolean) => {
useTodosStore.setState((state) => ({
todos: [
{ id: state.todos.length + 1, text, done: done },
toggleTodo: (id: number) =>
useTodosStore.setState((state) => ({
todos: => === id ? { ...todo, done: !todo.done } : todo
removeTodo: (id: number) =>
useTodosStore.setState((state) => ({
todos: state.todos.filter((todo) => !== id),
reorderTodo: (id: number, position: number) =>
useTodosStore.setState((state) => {
const todos = [...state.todos];
const todo = todos.find((todo) => === id);
if (!todo) return;
const idx = todos.indexOf(todo);
todos.splice(idx, 1);
todos.splice(position, 0, todo);
return { todos };
It gives me this large typescript error in VSCode:
Argument of type '(state: { todos: { id: number; text: string; done: boolean; }[]; addTodo: (text: string, done: boolean) => void; toggleTodo: (id: number) => void; removeTodo: (id: number) => void; reorderTodo: (id: number, position: number) => void; }) => { ...; } | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ todos: { id: number; text: string; done: boolean; }[]; addTodo: (text: string, done: boolean) => void; toggleTodo: (id: number) => void; removeTodo: (id: number) => void; reorderTodo: (id: number, position: number) => void; } | Partial<...> | ((state: { ...; }) => { ...; } | Partial<...>)'.
Type '(state: { todos: { id: number; text: string; done: boolean; }[]; addTodo: (text: string, done: boolean) => void; toggleTodo: (id: number) => void; removeTodo: (id: number) => void; reorderTodo: (id: number, position: number) => void; }) => { ...; } | undefined' is not assignable to type '(state: { todos: { id: number; text: string; done: boolean; }[]; addTodo: (text: string, done: boolean) => void; toggleTodo: (id: number) => void; removeTodo: (id: number) => void; reorderTodo: (id: number, position: number) => void; }) => { ...; } | Partial<...>'.
But I can run the app in dev mode with yarn dev
, the problem comes when I want to build the app with yarn build
, it gives me this error in the console, because of this I also can't deploy the app in Netlify/vercel
How can I create the reorder function to fix this error ?
The problem is that set method requires state to be ruturned and your code returns undefined
in setState here: if (!todo) return;
. In this line you can change code to if (!todo) return { todos };