I'm have a problem with a part of my python code , I created a discord bot for showing the balances of a game to users they are 3 type of people I mean 3 different discord role when i use !payment i want check their role and show their balances (right now there is alot of records i want to make it clean)
elif message.content.startswith('!payment'):
await message.add_reaction("✅")
if not any(role.name in['Guild Master','Calculator','Programmer'] for role in message.author.roles):
await message.channel.send("You don't have permission to use this command")
c.execute('SELECT Tag,Balance,Date_Time FROM dbr1')
async def send_embeds(message,data):
embed = discord.Embed(title="Information", description="**Details for all users.**", colour=discord.Colour(int(custom_color, 16)))
field_count = 0
for keys in data:
tag, balance, date_time = keys
f_p_c = '{:,.0f}'.format(balance).replace(',', '.')
embed.add_field(name=f':pencil:___________________________', value=f":id:{tag}\n ``` Balance : {f_p_c}\n ```", inline=False)
field_count += 1
if field_count >= 25:
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Information", description="details for all users.", colour=discord.Colour(int(custom_color, 16)))
if field_count>0:
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
await send_embeds(message, data)
I cant put their roles in my database i want program extract their roles
After fixing formatting and correcting some syntax (based on the answer by @hossein-dahaei), you can see the corrected code. It uses the multiple embeds functionality present within Discord to bundle multiple embeds together in a single message.
if message.content.startswith('!payment'):
await message.add_reaction("✅")
allowed_roles = ['Guild Master', 'Calculator', 'Programmer']
user_roles = [role.name for role in message.author.roles]
if not any(role in allowed_roles for role in user_roles):
await message.channel.send("You don't have permission to use this command")
c.execute('SELECT Tag, Balance, Date_Time FROM dbr1')
data = c.fetchall()
embeds = []
embed = discord.Embed(
description="Details for all users.",
colour=discord.Colour(int(custom_color, 16))
field_count = 0
for keys in data:
tag, balance, date_time = keys
formatted_balance = '{:,.0f}'.format(balance).replace(',', '.')
value=f":id:{tag}\n Balance : {formatted_balance}\n",
field_count += 1
if field_count >= 25:
embed = discord.Embed(
description="details for all users.",
colour=discord.Colour(int(custom_color, 16))
field_count = 0
if len(embeds) >= 10:
await message.channel.send(embeds=embeds)
embeds = []
field_count = 0
# If we didn't reach 10 embeds, and the
# other send branch is not run, send the rest of the embeds
if len(embeds) > 0:
await message.channel.send(embeds=embeds)
process_payment = False