I am developing an app for the custom device. My app run from /system/priv-apps
I need to access /data/data
for other apps to give a cloud backup functionality.
While searching I came across "android.permission.CONFIRM_FULL_BACKUP" permission but I couldn't find a way to get the content of that particular "/data/data/pkg_name
I don't think that system apps have su permission so I can't call cp -R src dest
Can anyone tell me regarding this?
Being a System app is very different from being an App with a root permission. If you deployed your app as a system app after partnership from OEM this does not mean you will get root access.
System app is nothing but base apk installed in another location which cannot be uninstalled. Other than that it has some permission privileges.
But that does not mean it can access to data/data of other apps.
So, in short answer is a NO. You need a root access which user has to do by flashing a rom, and after installing binaries. Post that if that user provides SU access then an only then you can access data/data of other apps.