Search code examples

I need only one array of object

I am new to MongoDB and trying to get data from two tables in a single query all should be in a single array, so I can sum their price

Here I'm getting two stores' product id's arrays from that id I need to fetch data from respective stores and add their price then I need to send the total price to client-side
my query[
"$lookup": {
  "from": "store1",
  pipeline: [
      $match: {
        $expr: {
          "$in": [
              "$map": {
                // your payload from client here
                "input": [
                "as": "id",
                "in": {
                  "$toObjectId": "$$id"
  as: "store1"
$match: {
  $expr: {
    "$in": [
        "$map": {
          // your payload from client here
          "input": [
          "as": "id",
          "in": {
            "$toObjectId": "$$id"
$project: {
  _id: 0,

expected out put

"id": ObjectId("63da2f1f7662144569f78ddd"),
"name": "bat",
"price": 56,
"id": ObjectId("63da2f1f7662144569f78ddb"),
"name": "cap",
"price": 100,
"id": ObjectId("63da2f1f7662144569f78dda"),
"name": "red",
"price": 50,
    "id": ObjectId("63da2f1f7662144569f78dd6"),
    "name": "bat",
    "price": 56
    "id": ObjectId("63da2f1f7662144569f78dd7"),
    "name": "ball",
    "price": 58

Here is the Mongodb playground link Where I mentioned the demo data format.


  • you can use $unionWith operator (mongo version 4.4 onwards) to union collections. The pipelines are essentially the same as you used[
        $match: {
          $expr: {
            $in: [
                $map: {
                  input: [ "63da2f1f7662144569f78ddd", "63da2f1f7662144569f78ddb", "63da2f1f7662144569f78dda" ],
                  as: "id",
                  in: { $toObjectId: "$$id" }
        $unionWith: {
          coll: "store1",
          pipeline: [
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $in: [
                      $map: {
                        input: [ "63da2f1f7662144569f78dd6", "63da2f1f7662144569f78dd7" ],
                        as: "id",
                        in: { $toObjectId: "$$id" }
        $project: { _id: 0 }
