I have multiple issues that I couldn't solve by my own.
: I'm trying to add a where clause that the case__id
is equal to movement__case__id
but the query becomes as
WHERE ("cm_movement"."case_id" = ("cm_movement"."case_id") AND
Full query:
SELECT "cm_movement"."id",
FROM "cm_movement"
INNER JOIN "cm_case"
ON ("cm_movement"."case_id" = "cm_case"."id")
INNER JOIN "cm_movement_reason"
ON ("cm_movement"."reason_id" = "cm_movement_reason"."id")
WHERE ("cm_movement"."case_id" = ("cm_movement"."case_id") AND "cm_movement"."case_id" IN ('41', '35', '29', '26', '44', '40', '34', '39', '32', '38', '31', '33', '30', '28', '27', '25', '43', '37', '36', '42'))
ORDER BY "cm_movement"."date" DESC
how can I get only the earliest or latest (only one movement) which is in prefetch_related
in CaseManager.get_queryset()
how can I sort the result by latest_movement
that is being generated by CaseManager.get_queryset()
and used in: CaseAdmin.latest_movement()
in CaseAdmin.ordering
should sort the results by year in DESC
order, and if there is more than one record with the same year
they should be sorted by their number
order that's why I used CaseAdmin.ordering = ['-year', '-number']
but what happened is they got sorted by year
only. ex:
how to fix it?
here are my codes:
class PoliceStationManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> models.QuerySet:
return super().get_queryset(*args, **kwargs).annotate(
misdemeanors_count=models.Count('case', filter=models.Q(case__kind=Case.Kind.MISDEMEANOR)),
traffics_count=models.Count('case', filter=models.Q(case__kind=Case.Kind.TRAFFIC)),
class CaseManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> models.QuerySet:
return super(CaseManager, self).get_queryset(*args, **kwargs).select_related('police_station').prefetch_related(
# Does not work:
# queryset=Movement.objects.filter(case_id=models.F('case__id')).earliest('-date'),
class MovementManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> models.QuerySet:
return super(MovementManager, self).get_queryset(*args, **kwargs).select_related(
'reason', 'case').prefetch_related('case__police_station')
TABLE_PREFIX = 'cm_' # cases_
TABLE_SUFFIX = '' # _tbl
# Create your models here.
class PoliceStation(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = f'{TABLE_PREFIX}policestation{TABLE_SUFFIX}'
verbose_name = _('police station')
verbose_name_plural = _('police stations')
objects = PoliceStationManager()
id = models.BigAutoField(
unique=True, primary_key=True, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='id', verbose_name=_('Case ID'))
name = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='name', verbose_name=_('Police Station Name'),
created_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, db_column='created_at',
verbose_name=_('Created at'))
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=True, auto_now_add=False, db_column='updated_at',
verbose_name=_('Updated at'))
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.name}'
class Case(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = f'{TABLE_PREFIX}case{TABLE_SUFFIX}'
verbose_name = _('case')
verbose_name_plural = _('cases')
ordering = ['-year', '-number', 'police_station__name', 'kind']
constraints = [
models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['number', 'year', 'kind', 'police_station'], name='unique_case2')]
class Kind(models.TextChoices):
MISDEMEANOR = 'M', _('Misdemeanor')
TRAFFIC = 'T', _('Traffic')
objects = CaseManager()
id = models.BigAutoField(
unique=True, primary_key=True, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='id', verbose_name=_('Case ID'))
police_station = models.ForeignKey(
PoliceStation, on_delete=models.PROTECT,
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='police_station_id', verbose_name=_('Police Station'))
number = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='number', verbose_name=_('Case Number'),
year = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='year', verbose_name=_('Case Year'),
kind = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=False,
db_column='kind', verbose_name=_('Case Kind'),
max_length=1, choices=Kind.choices, default=Kind.MISDEMEANOR)
registered_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, db_column='registered_at', db_index=True,
null=True, default=timezone.now, # TODO: remove this line, once we update all current db records
verbose_name=_('Registration Date'))
created_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, db_column='created_at',
verbose_name=_('Created at'))
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=True, auto_now_add=False, db_column='updated_at',
verbose_name=_('Updated at'))
def __str__(self):
context = {
'number': self.number,
'year': self.year,
'kind': self.get_kind_display(),
# 'police_station': '???'
'police_station': self.police_station.name
return _('%(number)s/%(year)s %(kind)s %(police_station)s') % context
class MovementReason(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = f'{TABLE_PREFIX}movement_reason{TABLE_SUFFIX}'
verbose_name = _('movement reason')
verbose_name_plural = _('movement reasons')
ordering = ['direction']
class Direction(models.TextChoices):
SENT = 'S', _('Outbound')
RETURNED = 'R', _('Inbound')
id = models.BigAutoField(
unique=True, primary_key=True, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='id', verbose_name=_('Movement Reason ID'))
direction = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=False,
db_column='direction', verbose_name=_('Movement Type'),
max_length=1, choices=Direction.choices, default=Direction.SENT)
reason = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='reason', verbose_name=_('Reason'),
created_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, db_column='created_at',
verbose_name=_('Created at'))
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=True, auto_now_add=False, db_column='updated_at',
verbose_name=_('Updated at'))
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.get_direction_display()}: {self.reason}'
class Movement(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = f'{TABLE_PREFIX}movement{TABLE_SUFFIX}'
verbose_name = _('movement')
verbose_name_plural = _('movements')
class Direction(models.TextChoices):
SENT = 'S', _('Sent')
RETURNED = 'R', _('Returned')
objects = MovementManager()
id = models.BigAutoField(
unique=True, primary_key=True, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
db_column='id', verbose_name=_('Movement ID'))
case = models.ForeignKey(
Case, on_delete=models.CASCADE,
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
verbose_name=_('Case number'))
direction = models.CharField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=False,
db_column='direction', verbose_name=_('Movement Direction'),
max_length=1, choices=Direction.choices, default=Direction.SENT)
date = models.DateField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, db_column='date', db_index=True,
verbose_name=_('Movement Date'))
reason = models.ForeignKey(
MovementReason, on_delete=models.PROTECT,
unique=False, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True,
verbose_name=_('Movement Reason'))
details = models.TextField(
unique=False, null=False, blank=True, db_index=False,
verbose_name=_('Movement Details'))
created_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=False, auto_now_add=True, db_column='created_at',
verbose_name=_('Created at'))
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(
auto_now=True, auto_now_add=False, db_column='updated_at',
verbose_name=_('Updated at'))
def __str__(self):
on_date = _('on date')
return f"{self.case} {self.get_direction_display()} {on_date} {self.date}: {self.reason}"
app admin:
# ------------------------------
# Cases
# ------------------------------
# admin.site.register(Case)
class CaseAdmin(myadmin.DefaultModelAdmin):
list_display = ['case_number', 'number', 'year', 'kind', 'police_station_name', 'registered_at', 'latest_movement']
list_select_related = ['police_station']
list_select_prefetch = ['movement_sets']
fields = ['registered_at', ('number', 'year'), ('kind', 'police_station'), ('created_at', 'updated_at',)]
ordering = ['-year', '-number']
date_hierarchy = 'registered_at'
# Computed columns
@admin.display(empty_value="???", ordering='police_station__name', description=_('Police Station Name'))
def police_station_name(self, case):
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
# 'id': case.police_station_id,
'id': case.police_station.id,
anchor_title = case.police_station.name
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title else ''
@admin.display(empty_value="", ordering='movement__date', description=_('Latest movement'))
# @admin.display(empty_value="", ordering='movement__latest_movement', description=_('Latest movement'))
def latest_movement(self, case):
if hasattr(case, 'latest_movement') and case.latest_movement:
movement = case.latest_movement[0]
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
'case__id': case.id,
anchor_title = _('%(direction)s: %(reason)s on %(date)s') % {
'direction': movement.reason.get_direction_display(),
'reason': movement.reason.reason,
'date': movement.date,
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title else ''
return None
@admin.display(ordering=Concat('year', Value(' '), 'number'))
def case_number(self, case):
return f'{case.number} / {case.year}'
# ------------------------------
# Police Stations
# ------------------------------
class PoliceStationAdmin(myadmin.DefaultModelAdmin):
list_display = ['fullname', 'misdemeanors_count', 'traffics_count', 'cases_count']
fields = ['name', ('created_at', 'updated_at',)]
ordering = ['name']
# Computed columns
@admin.display(description=_('Police Station Name'), ordering='name')
def fullname(self, police_station):
return f'{_("police station")} {police_station.name}'
@admin.display(description=_('Misdemeanors count'), ordering='misdemeanors_count')
def misdemeanors_count(self, police_station):
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
'police_station_id': police_station.id,
'kind': Case.Kind.MISDEMEANOR,
anchor_title = police_station.misdemeanors_count
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title > 0 else anchor_title
@admin.display(description=_('Traffics count'), ordering='traffics_count')
def traffics_count(self, police_station):
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
'police_station_id': police_station.id,
'kind': Case.Kind.TRAFFIC,
anchor_title = police_station.traffics_count
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title > 0 else anchor_title
@admin.display(description=_('Total cases'), ordering='cases_count')
def cases_count(self, police_station):
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
'police_station_id': police_station.id,
anchor_title = police_station.cases_count
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title > 0 else anchor_title
# ------------------------------
# Movements
# ------------------------------
class MovementAdmin(myadmin.DefaultModelAdmin):
list_display = ['case', 'date', 'direction', 'computed_reason']
list_select_related = ['case', 'case__police_station', 'reason']
fields = [('case', 'date'), ('direction', 'reason'), 'details', ('created_at', 'updated_at')]
ordering = ['-date']
date_hierarchy = 'date'
# Computed columns
@admin.display(description=_('movement reason'), empty_value="???", ordering='reason__reason')
def computed_reason(self, movement):
anchor_url = (
+ '?'
+ urlencode({
'id': movement.reason.id,
anchor_title = movement.reason.reason
return format_html(f'<a href="{anchor_url}">{anchor_title}</a>') if anchor_title else ''
# ------------------------------
# Movement Reasons
# ------------------------------
class MovementReasonAdmin(myadmin.DefaultModelAdmin):
list_display = ['direction', 'reason']
fields = [('direction', 'reason',), ('created_at', 'updated_at')]
readonly_fields_in_edit = ('created_at', 'updated_at')
exclude_in_add = ('created_at', 'updated_at')
ordering = ['direction']
And here is my custom DefaultModelAdmin:
class DefaultModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
# Displaying fields
list_display = ('__str__',)
# Select related table in the sql query
list_select_related = False
# Editable fields records
list_editable = ()
''' Exclude fields from the form in add & edit pages.
This will override readonly_fields '''
exclude = ()
''' Exclude fields from the form in add page
This will override readonly_fields '''
exclude_in_add = () # ['created_at', 'updated_at',]
''' Exclude fields from the form in edit page
This will override readonly_fields '''
exclude_in_edit = ()
# Grouping fields. ex: fields = [('number', 'year'), ('kind', 'police_station')]
# if it's not declared, then it will include all fields by default.
# if it's declared to an empty value (regardless of the type) then it won't include any field
# fields = []
# fields to be read-only mode in add & edit pages
readonly_fields = ()
# fields to be read-only mode in add page
readonly_fields_in_add = ()
# fields to be read-only mode in edit page
readonly_fields_in_edit = () # ['created_at', 'updated_at',]
# Control complex layout. structure
* classes:
- A list or tuple containing extra CSS classes to
apply to the fieldset.
* fields:
- A list or tuple of field names to display in this
fieldset. This key is required.
- As with the fields option, to display multiple fields
on the same line, wrap those fields in their own tuple.
- fields can contain values defined in readonly_fields
to be displayed as read-only.
- If you add the name of a callable to fields, the same
rule applies as with the fields option: the callable
must be listed in readonly_fields.
* description:
- A text to be displayed at the top of each fieldset,
under the heading of the fieldset. This string is
not rendered for TabularInline due to its layout.
- Note that this value is not HTML-escaped when it’s
displayed in the admin interface. This lets you
include HTML if you so desire. Alternatively you
can use plain text and django.utils.html.escape()
to escape any HTML special characters.
# fieldsets = [
# (
# None,
# {
# 'fields': ['field1', 'field2', 'field3', ]
# },
# ),
# (
# 'Title 1',
# {
# 'description': 'Some text goes here..',
# 'classes': ['collapse'],
# 'fields': ['field1', 'field2', 'field3', ]
# },
# ),
# ]
# Filtering
# see:
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_horizontal
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22968631/how-to-filter-filter-horizontal-in-django-admin
filter_horizontal = ()
filter_vertical = ()
# Specify the model-form to use. ex: form = CaseForm
# form =
# Sorting records
ordering = []
# Dates
date_hierarchy = None
# Records per page
list_per_page = 20
# Page Actions
actions_on_top = True
actions_on_bottom = True
actions_selection_counter = True
# True, “Save and add another” will be replaced by a
# “Save as new” button that creates a new object
# (with a new ID) rather than updating the existing object.
save_as = False
# Replace empty values
empty_value_display = ''
# Provides a quick-and-dirty way to override some Field options for use in the admin.
# Ex: use RichTextEditorWidget for large text fields instead of the default <textarea>
formfield_overrides = {}
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.inlines
inlines = ()
# ------------------------------
# Override admin`s methods
# ------------------------------
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
""" What fields to be in readonly mode in add and/or edit pages
* readonly_fields available in add and edit pages
* readonly_fields_in_add available in add page
* readonly_fields_in_edit available in edit page """
readonly = list(self.readonly_fields) if self.readonly_fields else []
if obj: # editing an existing object
return readonly + iterate(self.readonly_fields_in_edit, True) if self.readonly_fields_in_edit else readonly
return readonly + iterate(self.readonly_fields_in_add, True) if self.readonly_fields_in_add else readonly
def get_fields(self, request, obj=None):
""" what fields to show, exclude and make readonly in add & edit pages"""
return scan_and_remove(self.fields, self.get_exclude(request, obj))
def get_exclude(self, request, obj=None):
""" What fields to be excluded in add and/or edit pages
* exclude from add and edit pages
* exclude_in_add from add page
* exclude_in_edit from edit page """
exclude = list(self.exclude) if self.exclude else []
if obj: # editing an existing object
return exclude + iterate(self.exclude_in_edit, True) if self.exclude_in_edit else exclude
return exclude + iterate(self.exclude_in_add, True) if self.exclude_in_add else exclude
Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to provide you with everything, so it's clear to you where my mistakes are.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm a bit puzzled by what you trying to achieve with
Since Django will already filter the results when prefetching. Prefetches are resolved as a second query thats why the filter isn't referencing a column of the Case table but the list of all Case instances retrieved
"cm_movement"."case_id" IN ('41', '35', '29', '26', '44', '40', '34', '39', '32', '38', '31', '33', '30', '28', '27', '25', '43', '37', '36', '42'))
It seems to me that what you're tryibng to achieve isn't the role of prefetch. Usually, prefetch aims to solve iterating over a queryset adn accessing related entries for display or serialization purposes. You won't be able to use the results of prefetches to order the origianl resultset.
If you want to order your cases by the last movement, you shoudl consider using subqueries
subquery = Movement.objects.all()
subquery = subquery.filter(case_id=OuterRef("pk")) # Retreiving all movement realted to the current case in the sql query
subquery = subquery.order_by("-date")
subquery = subquery.valeus("date") # field you want to retrieve from the subquery
qs = Case.objects.all()
qs = qs.annotate(last_movement_date=Subquery(subquery[:1]) # Computing the last movement date for each case
qs = qs.order_by("-last_movement_date")
You should not do this the CaseManager
but in a .get_queryset()
method of your admin class