I am attempting to execute multiple functions consecutively by defining them in an array (specifically for an Angular APP_INITIALIZER function).
I have this array:
const obsArray = [
Each of these init()
methods returns Observable<void>
. Here's an example:
init() : Observable<void> {
return this.http.get(this.apiUrl)
// do something with the response
switchMap(() => EMPTY)
The ``switchMapstatement ensures that the return type is
I've tried this:
const init$ : Observable<void> = forkJoin(obsArray);
But at best it executes the function but not the HTTP call inside. There is no subscribe()
call since this is inside an Angular factory function assigned to the APP_INITIALIZER
I've also tried concatMap()
with no luck.
Is there an rxjs function that will execute each of these consecutively, while waiting for the previous to complete?
I have followed this up with this question.
You can also put all the observables from the array into an observable, essentially converting Array<Observable<T>>
to Observable<Observable<T>>
and then use the higher order function concatAll
Here's a live demo.