I am working on a NER problem—hence the BIO tagging—with a very small dataset, and I am manually splitting it into train, validation, and test data. Thus, to make the first of two splits, I need to sort lists of tuples into two lists based on the count of 'B'
in data
I am shuffling data
, so the output varies, but it typically yeilds what I provide below. data
can be split such that a total count of 10
instances of 'B'
is possible in bin_1
. So it's not that data
won't split this way given the way B
is distributed through the lists of tuples.
How do I get the split that I am after? For this example, and the desired split, I want the total count of 'B'
in bin_1
to be 10
, but it's always over.
Assistance would be much appreciated.
data = [[('a', 'B'), ('b', 'I'), ('c', 'O'), ('d', 'B'), ('e', 'I'), ('f', 'O')],
[('g', 'O'), ('h', 'O')],
[('i', 'B'), ('j', 'I'), ('k', 'O')],
[('l', 'B'), ('m', ''), ('n', 'B'), ('o', 'O')],
[('p', 'O'), ('q', 'O'), ('r', 'O')],
[('s', 'B'), ('t', 'O')],
[('u', 'O'), ('v', 'B'), ('w', 'I'), ('x', 'O'), ('y', 'O')],
[('z', 'B')],
[('a', 'B'), ('b', 'I'), ('c', 'O')],
[('d', 'O')],
[('e', 'O'), ('f', 'O')],
[('g', 'O'), ('h', 'B')],
[('i', 'B'), ('j', 'I')],
[('k', 'O')],
[('l', 'O'), ('m', 'O'), ('n', 'O'), ('o', 'O')],
[('p', 'O'), ('q', 'O'), ('r', 'O'), ('s', 'B'), ('t', 'O')],
[('u', 'O'), ('v', 'B'), ('w', 'I'), ('x', 'O'), ('y', 'O'), ('z', 'B')]]
Current code:
split = 0.7
d = []
total_B = 0
bin_1 = []
bin_2 = []
counter = 0
for f in data:
cnt = {}
for _, label in f:
if label in cnt:
cnt[label] += 1
cnt[label] = 1
for f in d:
total_B += f.get('B', 0)
for f,g in zip(d, data):
if f.get('B') is not None:
if counter <= round(total_B * split):
counter += f.get('B')
print(round(total_B * split))
print(sum(1 for sublist in bin_1 for tuple_item in sublist if tuple_item[1] == 'B'))
print(sum(1 for sublist in bin_2 for tuple_item in sublist if tuple_item[1] == 'B'))
Current output:
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_1' should be: 10
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_1' is': 11
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_2' is': 3
bin_1, bin_2
[[('a', 'B'), ('b', 'I'), ('c', 'O')],
[('g', 'O'), ('h', 'B')],
[('i', 'B'), ('j', 'I'), ('k', 'O')],
[('u', 'O'), ('v', 'B'), ('w', 'I'), ('x', 'O'), ('y', 'O'), ('z', 'B')],
[('s', 'B'), ('t', 'O')],
[('l', 'B'), ('m', ''), ('n', 'B'), ('o', 'O')],
[('a', 'B'), ('b', 'I'), ('c', 'O'), ('d', 'B'), ('e', 'I'), ('f', 'O')],
[('i', 'B'), ('j', 'I')]],
[[('u', 'O'), ('v', 'B'), ('w', 'I'), ('x', 'O'), ('y', 'O')],
[('z', 'B')],
[('p', 'O'), ('q', 'O'), ('r', 'O'), ('s', 'B'), ('t', 'O')]]
Desired output:
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_1' should be: 10
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_1' is': 10
Total count of 'B' in 'bin_2' is': 4
One possible solution is to get the distribution of the 'B' among indexes of your data
Let's say data
was shuffled already, make use of:
def get_distribution(data):
return {i: len([x for x in t if (x[1] == 'B')]) for i, t in enumerate(data) }
For data
you get:
distribution = get_distribution(data)
#=> {0: 2, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 1, 16: 2}
Now, iterate over distribution and fill your bins. You can develop a more complex algorithm, this is the simplest:
bin_1 = []
bin_2 = []
ratio = 0.7
count = 0
total = sum(distribution.values())
for k, v in distribution.items():
if count/total < ratio:
count += v
So, check:
distr_bin_1 = get_distribution(bin_1)
distr_bin_2 = get_distribution(bin_2)
count_bin_1 = sum(distr_bin_1.values())
count_bin_2 = sum(distr_bin_2.values())
print(count_bin_1/(count_bin_1 + count_bin_2)) # actual ratio