I have the following algebraic data type:
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
Also, I have this code snippet:
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just val) = val
fromJust Nothing = error "Cannot unpack Nothing."
getTreeMinimum :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a
getTreeMaximum :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a
getTreeMaximum Empty = Nothing
getTreeMaximum (Node value l r) =
if l == Empty && r == Empty then Just value else
if l == Empty && r /= Empty then if value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else
if l /= Empty && r == Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value then Just (value) else
if l /= Empty && r /= Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value && value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else Nothing
getTreeMinimum Empty = Nothing
getTreeMinimum (Node value l r) =
if l == Empty && r == Empty then Just value else
if l == Empty && r /= Empty then if value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then Just (value) else
if l /= Empty && r == Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value then (getTreeMinimum l)
if l /= Empty && r /= Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value && value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMinimum l) else Nothing
isOrderedHelper :: Ord a => Tree a -> Bool
isOrderedHelper Empty = True
isOrderedHelper (Node nodeValue leftChild Empty) = if isOrderedHelper leftChild == False then False else (fromJust (getTreeMaximum leftChild)) < nodeValue
isOrderedHelper (Node nodeValue Empty rightChild) = if isOrderedHelper rightChild == False then False else nodeValue < fromJust ((getTreeMinimum rightChild))
isOrderedHelper (Node nodeValue leftChild rightChild) =
if isOrderedHelper leftChild == False || isOrderedHelper rightChild == False
then False
else fromJust (getTreeMaximum leftChild) < nodeValue && nodeValue < fromJust (getTreeMinimum rightChild)
isOrdered :: Ord a => Tree a -> Bool
isOrdered Empty = True
isOrdered tree = isOrderedHelper tree
The above gives me:
error: parse error on input 'getTreeMinimum'
getTreeMinimum Empty = Nothing
Failed, no modules loaded.
I have two questions (the second one is optional):
Since if
is an expression in Haskell each if
has to have exatly one then
and one else
but this
getTreeMaximum (Node value l r) =
if l == Empty && r == Empty then Just value else
if l == Empty && r /= Empty then if value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else
if l /= Empty && r == Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value then Just (value) else
if l /= Empty && r /= Empty then if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value && value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else Nothing
has 7 if
and 7 then
but only 4 else
I would probably write that using pattern matching to avoid such a deeply nested if
getTreeMaximum (Node value Empty Empty) = Just value
getTreeMaximum (Node value Empty r) = if value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else Nothing
getTreeMaximum (Node value l Empty) = if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value then Just (value) else Nothing
getTreeMaximum (Node value l r) = if fromJust (getTreeMaximum l) < value && value < fromJust (getTreeMinimum r) then (getTreeMaximum r) else Nothing
But I don't think the clauses other than the getTreeMaximum Empty
have any reason to return Nothing
at all since there's always a value
, so you'll have to adjust these.