My understanding is that we can pass the information about which procedure should be used inside a Fortran procedure, either using an argument and declaring it to be a procedure name through a specific interface, or using an argument declared to be a procedure pointer.
I do not think I have grasped all pros and cons of the two alternatives. Maybe one has some limitations not present with the other? Are there efficiency issues?
Just to make clear what this question is about (if necessary), I'll briefly recall through two examples the different ways of passing information about which procedure should be used inside a procedure, through the procedure arguments.
module pro
implicit none
function myfunction(x) result(res) ! this is an actual function with the right signature to be used as argument of the subroutine prosub
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: res
res = 2*x
end function myfunction
subroutine prosub(f,x)
real, intent(in) :: x
procedure(myfunction) :: f ! the actual argument used in place of the dummy argument f must be the name of a function with the same signature as myfunction
end subroutine prosub
end module pro
program ppp
use pro
implicit none
real :: x
print*,' x= ?'
call prosub(myfunction,x)
end program ppp
module pro
implicit none
abstract interface ! defines the signature of the functions the procedure pointers argument of the subroutine prosub must have
function f(x) result(res)
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: res
end function f
end interface
function myfunction(x) result(res) ! one of the possible actual functions the procedure pointer can point to
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: res
res = 2*x
end function myfunction
subroutine prosub(fp,x)
real, intent(in) :: x
procedure(f), pointer :: fp
end subroutine prosub
end module pro
program ppp
use pro
implicit none
real :: x
procedure(f), pointer :: f1
f1 => myfunction
print*,' x= ?'
call prosub(f1,x)
end program ppp
A dummy procedure pointer, when contrasted with a non-pointer dummy procedure, may (depending on argument intent and the like):
If these capabilities are useful to have when writing a subprogram, then there might be a need for a dummy procedure pointer.
Specifying that something is a procedure pointer or non-pointer is orthogonal to how you specify the interface. There is no semantic difference between a declaration of the form
procedure(some_interface) :: proc
and writing out an interface body for proc
that has the same characteristics as some_interface
. In your first "non-pointer" program, you could have equally written:
subroutine prosub(f,x)
real, intent(in) :: x
procedure(myfunction) :: f ! or use the abstract interface
end subroutine prosub
and in your second "pointer" program, you could have written:
subroutine prosub(fp,x)
real, intent(in) :: x
function fp(x) result(res)
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: res
end function fp
end interface
pointer :: fp
end subroutine prosub
This choice comes down to whether you want to specify the (perhaps abstract) interface in one location, or how much you like typing.