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How can I prevent existing categories from disappearing when I add a new category to an email item using Exchange Web Services in C#?

I am trying to add a new category to an email item using Exchange WEB Services but when I run the code, existing categories disappear and the category I added becomes the only category. For example an email has categories X and Y and after I add my category Z to this mail item, X and Y disappears and only category for the mail becomes Z Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance

Please note that I am running this code inside a software called Blue Prism a low code no code scripting software and it is near impossible to implement third party libraries etc due to corporate chain of approvals and stuff

When I do it manually on the outlook 2019 it works the way I intended Here is the method I am using The DLL That uses this code is Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll

//Here I initialize exchange object and authenticate
ExchangeService exchange = null;

void ConnectEWS(string ewsURL, string _exchangeVersion, string username, string password)
    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate {return true;} ;
        exchange                = new ExchangeService();
        exchange.Url            = new Uri(ewsURL);
        exchange.Credentials    = new WebCredentials(username,password);
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception("failed to initialize exchange object!!="+ex.Message);
//here is my void method that adds a new category to an email item
void addCategoryToMail(string msgid, string category)
        throw new Exception("exchange object is null!!");
    EmailMessage message = EmailMessage.Bind(exchange,msgid, BasePropertySet.IdOnly );


  • The line

    EmailMessage message = EmailMessage.Bind(exchange,msgid, BasePropertySet.IdOnly );

    only requests the message id. You need to request categories. See if BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties brings categories in. If not, explicitly request categories.