EDIT - Found that sorting is quick, real issue is performance of rendering huge list, so already answered
pls explain to me, why this does nothing:
I have array of thousands of items, there is a button for sorting them by some prop (changes "sortBy" prop. Sorting items takes almost 2 seconds, at least that how long after the click does the list change. During computing (until new list displayed) i want to display some "Loading" element. Im not aware, byt maybe Vue has some app-wide state to tell something is being recomputed?
<div v-if="loading">Wait pliz</div>
<div @click="sortBy='ctg'">SortByCtg</div>
<div v-for="item in sortedRows">{{item.ctg}} , {{item.name}} .... </div>
and the computed prop fn:
data: function(){
return {
'sortby': 'name',
'sortbyDir': 1,
'loading': false,
'rows': [ {'name':'abc','ctg':'def'}, ...]
computed: {
sortedRows: function(){
this.loading = true; // <<< should show element
var sortby = this.sortby;
var sortbyDir = this.sortbyDir;
var sorted = this.rows;
sorted = this.rows.sort(function(a, b) {
return sortbyDir * a[sortby].localeCompare(b[sortby]);
this.loading = false; // <<< hide element
return sorted;
but the "loading" element never shows. May it be sort is quick, and what is taking the time is the nodes generation itself? Then can i anyhow show the loader? Maybe somehow use next tick? I tried but with no result.
Sorting is quick (few miliseconds), what really takes time is rendering the long list