I'm trying to convert the values of a data table to its log(a)+1 (base 2) into a transformed data table in R. But the first two columns of the data tables are not numbers so I need to exclude them from the calculation or I will get an error. I do know how to do these two operations individually but when I combine them, I get an error saying the first two columns are not numerical values.
Here is my code:
logDT = log(DT, 2) + 1[, -c(1, 2)]
I am aware that I can just create an intermediary data table that excludes the columns first and then produce the log table, but I do need the first two columns in there in the log table so I'd rather just find a way to make my original code work.
Here's an example code (the only real difference between this and my actual code is that my actual code has two non-numerical columns while this code has one):
DT = data.table(x=c("b","b","b","a","a"),v=rnorm(5))
x v 1: b -0.4149946 2: b -0.3942900 3: b -0.0593134 4: a 1.1000254 5: a 0.7631757
Use which(sapply())
to get indices of numeric columns, then data.table::set()
to transform:
logDT <- DT
for (j in which(sapply(logDT, is.numeric))) {
set(logDT, j = j, value = log(logDT[[j]], 2) + 1)
x v1 v2
1: b 0.148809 -0.2669889
2: b NaN 1.2980794
3: b 1.827952 -1.0789923
4: a -1.416422 NaN
5: a 1.192227 1.1442347
Example data:
DT <- data.table(x = c("b","b","b","a","a"), v1 = rnorm(5), v2 = rnorm(5))