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Why is 'CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor' inaccessible in my Acumatica project?

Good morning! I have a customer ID field included in the table DAC. I would like for this selector to operate identically to the customer ID field in the sales order form. I used all pertinent DAC code from the sales order to create the field in my custom screen; however, when I attempt to use all the same attributes for the restrictor, the following attribute cannot be accessed. I have all the appropriate references included in the project(PX.Objects.AR). Any assistance or work around for this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

#region CustomerID
        public abstract class customerID : BqlInt.Field<customerID>
            public class PreventEditBAccountCOrgBAccountID<TGraph> :
                PreventEditBAccountRestrictToBase<BAccount.cOrgBAccountID, TGraph, NXBOL,
                where TGraph : PXGraph
                protected override string GetErrorMessage(BAccount baccount, NXBOL document, string documentBaseCurrency)
                    return PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefix(Messages.CannotChangeRestricToIfShipmentExists,
                        documentBaseCurrency, baccount.AcctCD, document.BOLNbr);

            public class PreventEditBAccountCOrgBAccountIDOnVendorMaint : PreventEditBAccountCOrgBAccountID<VendorMaint>
                public static bool IsActive()
                    => PXAccess.FeatureInstalled<FeaturesSet.multipleBaseCurrencies>();

            public class PreventEditBAccountCOrgBAccountIDOnCustomerMaint : PreventEditBAccountCOrgBAccountID<CustomerMaint>
                public static bool IsActive()
                    => PXAccess.FeatureInstalled<FeaturesSet.multipleBaseCurrencies>();
        protected Int32? _CustomerID;
            typeof(Search<BAccountR.bAccountID, Where<True, Equal<True>>>), // TODO: remove fake Where after AC-101187
            Visibility = PXUIVisibility.SelectorVisible, Required = true)]
        public virtual Int32? CustomerID
                return this._CustomerID;
                this._CustomerID = value;

It appears that the [CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor] is not accessible. The project will not build and receive the following error:

Error CS0122 'CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor' is inaccessible due to its protection level

I have tried manipulating references, I would expect the attribute which is defined in PX.Objects.AR to work the same in my project as the PX.Objects.SO.


  • CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor is an internal class, so you can't access it.

    You can use this restrictor instead:

            typeof(Where<Customer.type, IsNotNull, Or<Current<PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder.aRDocType>,
                Equal<ARDocType.noUpdate>, And<Current<PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder.behavior>, Equal<SOBehavior.tR>,
                    And<Where<BAccountR.type, In3<BAccountType.branchType, BAccountType.organizationType>,
                        Or<PX.Objects.CR.BAccount.isBranch, Equal<True>>>>>>>),
            "Only a customer or company business account can be specified.")]