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Updating "anyarray" or "anyelement" polymorphic functions when upgrading to 14.x or higher on AWS RDS aurora postgresql

When upgrading AWS RDS aurora postgresql cluster from 11.17 -> 15.2, I was met with this fatal error in the pg_upgrade logs:

Your installation contains user-defined objects that refer to internal
polymorphic functions with arguments of type "anyarray" or "anyelement".
These user-defined objects must be dropped before upgrading and restored
afterwards, changing them to refer to the new corresponding functions with
arguments of type "anycompatiblearray" and "anycompatible".

AWS does not mention this in the upgrade docs, so I thought the changed may have been introduced by a system user. After a bit of digging, it seems that the aggregate functions changed the way the types are named (in postgresql version 14 to be clear). So how do I update this?

I ran a subset the query that the upgrade failed on, on each DB in the target cluster:

--find incompatibilites on each DB:

SELECT 'aggregate' AS objkind,
       p.oid::regprocedure::text AS objname
FROM pg_proc AS p
JOIN pg_aggregate AS a ON a.aggfnoid=p.oid
JOIN pg_proc AS transfn ON transfn.oid=a.aggtransfn
WHERE p.oid >= 16384
  AND a.aggtransfn = ANY(ARRAY['array_append(anyarray,anyelement)', 'array_cat(anyarray,anyarray)', 'array_prepend(anyelement,anyarray)', 'array_remove(anyarray,anyelement)', 'array_replace(anyarray,anyelement,anyelement)', 'array_position(anyarray,anyelement)', 'array_position(anyarray,anyelement,integer)', 'array_positions(anyarray,anyelement)', 'width_bucket(anyelement,anyarray)']::regprocedure[]);

  objkind  |         objname         
 aggregate | array_accum(anyelement)
(1 row)

Okay, so now what?


  • Solution:

    --drop aggregate from sub 14.x db
    mygreatdatabase=> DROP AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement);
    --upgrade to 14.x or higher, and then re-create using updated type:
    mygreatdatabase=> CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anycompatible) (SFUNC = array_append,STYPE = anycompatiblearray,INITCOND = '{}');

    My hope is that AWS adds this to the documentation on RDS Aurora PostgresQL Upgrade Pre-Checks, but this will be here until that is more clear.