I have some Gujarati string but its in ISCII encoding, so python throughing error (SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal).
string = TFH[TZDF\ I]GF.8[0 G[Xg;
line 1
string = TFH[TZDF\ I]GF.8[0 G[Xg;
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
I was tried byte encoding too, but its not giving output like ISCII encoding.
I am trying this to make ISCII into unicode for Gujarati language. I have ISCII based font and character map data also.
ISCII input string: TFH[TZDF\ I]GF.8[0 G[Xg; Desired unicode output: તાજેતરમાં યુનાઇટેડ નેશન્સ (Typed using gujarati phonetic keyboard)
If you just want to write the string literal, for me, just writing print("તાજેતરમાં યુનાઇટેડ નેશન્સ")
Or you could write:
characters = [2724, 2750, 2716, 2759, 2724, 2736, 2734, 2750, 2690, 32, 2735, 2753, 2728, 2750, 2695, 2719, 2759, 2721, 32, 2728, 2759, 2742, 2728, 2765, 2744]
string = str()
for c in characters:
string += chr(c)
Maybe you have a look at this conversion script: https://gist.github.com/pathumego/81672787807c23f19518c622d9e7ebb8