Python - How to make current script iterate through list of words instead of one string/word only?
I am very new to python, and have put together a script parsing different scripts i've looked at.
The goal is to return all possible variants of a list of keywords, replacing the characters by leet code (e.g.: 'L33T' or 'l337' instead of 'Leet')
I have been able to achieve this for one string/word only, but I wish to be able to input a list of keywords and obtain the same results.
This is my first time using Stack overflow, and I would really appreciate any help you can provide me :)
Here is my code:
import itertools
def leet(word):
leet_matches = [['a','@','4','∆','Д','а','а','a','à'],
l = []
for letter in word:
for match in leet_matches:
if match[0] == letter:
return list(itertools.product(*l))
word = "hola"
test_list = leet(word)
def remove(string):
return string.replace(" ", "")
res = [''.join(tups) for tups in test_list]
print (str(res)+remove(str(res)))
import csv
with open ('leet_latinalphabet.csv', mode ='w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['leet variants']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile,fieldnames=fieldnames)
writer.writerow({"leet variants":str(res)[1:-1].replace("'","")})
Loop over the list of words, calling leet()
on each word.
words = ['hola', 'some', 'other', 'word']
with open ('leet_latinalphabet.csv', mode ='w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['word', 'leet variants']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile,fieldnames=fieldnames)
for word in words:
row = {"word": word, "leet variants": ",".join(leet(word))}