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Find points inside region delimited by two lines

I have the following point configuration:

import numpy as np 

points=np.array([[4, 15],
                 [2, 5],

This can be represented as:

enter image description here

Given T, X1, and X2, I want to find all points of the array points that are inside the yellow region. This yellow region is always in the "opposite side" of the points X1 and X2.

How can I achieve this in a simple and efficient way?

Edit1 (trying B Remmelzwaal solution)

points=np.array([[2, 5]])

valid_points = list()

# calculating y = mx + b for line T, X1
slope1 = np.diff(list(zip(T, X1)))
m1 = np.divide(slope1[1], slope1[0])
b1 = T[1] - m1*T[0]

# calculating y = mx + b for line T, X2
slope2 = np.diff(list(zip(T, X2)))
m2 = np.divide(slope2[1], slope2[0])
b2 = T[1] - m2*T[0]

for point in points:
    # check if point is under both lines
    for m, b in (m1, b1), (m2, b2):
        if point[1] > m*point[0] + b:
        # only append if both checks pass

The configuration is the following: enter image description here and the code returns returns [2,5] and it should return []. This is not correct since the region of interest is now in the opposite region (see image)


  • The naive solution to this can be thought of as a series of stages

    • embed the values into equations in a Two-Point Form
    • for each line defined by the Equations
      • for each point in the collection to compare
        • at X, see if Y is below the line value
    • boolean AND on the results, such that only values below both lines match

    However, this can be much faster with NumPy's powerful numeric methods, as you can directly use the values in collections without bothering to create the intermediate equations, but need to then pose it in a manner it expects and would make more sense to do for a great number of lines (hundreds, millions..)

    very extended approach

    import numpy as np 
    points=np.array([[4, 15],
                     [2, 5],
    equations = []
    for point_pair in [(T, X1), (T, X2)]:
        # extract points
        (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = point_pair  # unpack
        # create equation as a function of X to get Y
        fn = lambda x, x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2: (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)*(x-x1)+y1
    results = {}  # dict mapping lines to their point comparisons
    for index, equation in enumerate(equations):
        key_name = "line_{}".format(index + 1)
        results_eq = []
        for point in points:
            point_x, point_y = point  # unpack
            line_y = equation(point_x)
            results_eq.append(point_y < line_y)  # single bool
        array = np.array(results_eq)             # list -> array of bools
        results[key_name] = array                # dict of arrays of bools
    # & is used here to compare boolean arrays such that both are True
    final_truthyness = results["line_1"] & results["line_2"]
    >>> print(final_truthyness)
    [False False  True False]

    Alternatively, you can carefully order your points and take the Cross Product

    NOTE that the point ordering matters here such that points below are really to the right of the line (vector), you can calculate this by comparing the X values of the points

    >>> X1[0] < T[0], X2[0] < T[0]             # determine point ordering
    (True, False)
    >>> a = np.cross(points - X1, T - X1) > 0
    >>> b = np.cross(points - T, X2 - T) > 0
    >>> a,b ; a&b                              # individual arrays ; AND
    (array([ True, False,  True, False]), array([False, False,  True, False]))
    array([False, False,  True, False])

    Finally, you might take some caution in a larger program to special case point pairs which are exactly the same point