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DDEV/PhpStorm - invalid ddev-docker-compose-full.yaml

DDEV/PhpStorm - invalid ddev-docker-compose-full.yaml

I'm trying to setup PhpStorm CLI interpreter and face this...

I found that PhpStorm has/had problems with docker-compose2, but did not find a solution.

enter image description here

ddev version

 ITEM             VALUE                                   
 DDEV version     v1.21.6                                 
 architecture     amd64                                   
 db               drud/ddev-dbserver-mariadb-10.4:v1.21.5 
 dba              phpmyadmin:5                            
 ddev-ssh-agent   drud/ddev-ssh-agent:v1.21.5             
 docker           23.0.6                                  
 docker-compose   v2.15.1                                 
 docker-platform  sr-VirtualBox                           
 mutagen          0.16.0                                  
 os               linux                                   
 router           drud/ddev-router:v1.21.5                
 web              drud/ddev-webserver:v1.21.5  


  • It looks like that Phpstorm uses docker compose V1 (docker-compose) while the file is compatible with docker compose V2 (docker compose w/o the dash)?

    Perhaps there is a setting to specify which command to use?

    And sv3n comments:

    There is a checkbox to use v2 in Settings - Build, ... - Docker - Tools.

    Activate Docker Compose v2 in Phpstorm Settings (Phpstorm 2023.1.2)

    (Activate Docker Compose v2 in Phpstorm Settings (Phpstorm 2023.1.2) for ddev development)