Is there a way we could know the actual sql query formed by Kotlin Exposed Library, that get's executed on database . We could also get the query executed on database by profilers , but i'm more interested if Exposed Library provides a way to do it.
For complex queries formed in code , I wish to get the actual sql query formed
Assuming you run queries on your table in transaction{}
blocks, you can add a Logger to your transaction block.
has an extension function called addLogger()
which takes SqlLogger
You can add the StdOutSqlLogger
which is the default SqlLogger
that comes with the exposed library.
Here's an example;
fun getAllItemsFromDb(): List<Items> {
return transaction {
addLogger(StdOutSqlLogger) // Adds a logger that logs SQL statements
.selectAll().let {
Anytime getAllItemsFromDb()
is called, the logger will log the generated SQL to the console
You can also have more fine-grained control over logging your sql logging by implementing the SqlLogger interface and overriding the log function;
object MyQueryLogger : SqlLogger {
fun log(context: StatementContext, transaction: Transaction) {
//Customize how you want your logging, for example, using SLF4j
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)"SQL: ${context.expandArgs(transaction)}")
logger.trace("SQL: ${context.expandArgs(transaction)}")
And then in your transaction{} add your custom Logger
fun getAllItemsFromDb(): List<Items> {
return transaction {
addLogger(MyQueryLogger ) // Add your custom logger
.selectAll().let {