I am trying to filter this cold start metric using the metric filter
REPORT RequestId: beae69d8-bf66-4390-845f-d995f7939bd2 Duration: 1.75 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 36 MB Init Duration: 101.97 ms
using below filter
request_id_label=RequestId*, request_id_value,
duration_label=Duration*, lambda_duration_ms, duration_unit=ms,
billed_duration_label1=Billed, bill_duration_label2=Duration*, lambda_billed_duration_ms, billed_duration_unit=ms,
memory_size_label1=Memory, memory_size_label2=Size*, lambda_memory_size_mb, memory_size_unit=MB,
max_memory_used_label1=Max, max_memory_used_label2=Memory, max_memory_used_label3=Used*, lambda_max_memory_used_mb, max_memory_used_unit=MB,
init_duration_label1=Init, init_duration_label2=Duration*, lambda_init_duration_ms, init_duration_unit=ms, function_name=xxx
Everything works fine but the issue comes when we filter metrics for multiple lambda functions as we are not able to identify which metric belongs to which function.
is there a way to add a function name as Dimension Value?
At the time of writing this, it's not possible. Dimension values must be a value extracted by the filter pattern. The AWS docs aren't clear on this but if you try it the API returns the following: An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the PutMetricFilter operation: Invalid metric transformation: dimension value must be valid selector
Definitely frustrating for doing stuff like this since the Lambda function name isn't in that log line.