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Extract href from string and again bind the updated data to the element in Angular

I am getting one string like this in innerHtml

<div class="wrapper" [innerHTML]="data.testString">

data.testString contains data like below,

data.testString="<p>some info, email <a href=""></a>  info </p>";

I want to add aria-label for the anchor tag.

<a aria-label="" href=""></a>

so I have added below code in .ts file

ngAfterViewInit(): void {

    var myData =;
    var element = myData!.match!(/href="([^"]*)/)![1];
    var ariaLabel = "EmailId " + element;!.replace('<a', '<a aria-label = "' + ariaLabel + '" ');

But I am getting below error

global-error-handler.ts:26 TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'testString' of object '[object Object]'

How to resolve this?


  • I'm not sure to understand all but below might help you :

    1. String character escaping

    var testString="<p>some info, email <a href=""></a> info </p>";

    There is a quote issue : a double-quoted string cannot contain double-quotes unless escaped by the \ character (cf. -> Escape Character section)

    You may fix this issue by replacing some double quotes by simple quotes :

    "<p>some info, email <a href=''></a> info </p>"

    1. Regular expression

    var href = datar!.match!(/href="([^"]*)/)![1];

    Not sure this is the pattern you need. Try instead :

    var href = datar!.match!(/href=\'mailto:([a-z@.]+)'/)![1];

    1. DOM element manipulation

    About adding the aria-label attribute to the , you would better go with Angular nativeElement.setAttribute(key, value) native javascript querySelector (cf. and

    Finally I would highly recommend the use of RegExr to test your regular expressions as well as to test your javascript in a safe environment :