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health connect still provides data where there should be no data

i try to collecting data from 1 april 2023 to 30 april 2023, today is 20 april 2023 but health connect still provides data for > 20 april 2023 like this data from health connect

i don't know where the data is coming from, i just sync google fit data to health connect, when i check health connect, there is no data from > 20 april 2023, same case if for example i have no data in february but health connect still give a data, i guess that is default value? this is my code

override suspend fun getMonthlyHistoriesCalorie(parameter: GetMonthlyHistoriesCalorieParameter): GetMonthlyHistoriesCalorieResponse {
        val result = mutableListOf<Double>()

        if (isHealthConnectSDKAvailable(context)) {
            val healthConnectClient = HealthConnectClient.getOrCreate(context)
            val response = healthConnectClient.aggregateGroupByPeriod(
                    metrics = setOf(TotalCaloriesBurnedRecord.ENERGY_TOTAL),
                    timeRangeFilter = TimeRangeFilter.between(
                        startTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(parameter.startDate, ZoneId.systemDefault()),
                        endTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(parameter.endDate, ZoneId.systemDefault())
                    timeRangeSlicer = Period.ofDays(1)

            for (monthlyResult in response) {
                val totalCalorieBurned =

                if (totalCalorieBurned != null) {


        return GetMonthlyHistoriesCalorieResponse(
            histories = result,
            period = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM yyyy").withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault())
            total = result.sum()

this only happens with data type TotalCalorieBurned and using aggregate, another example is when i set the date into december 2022 (no data here) and i check the data in health connect app with the same date, there is no data

no data in health connect

but when i red in my app, health connect given data

health connect given data that must be no data

my health connect version


  • i found the problem, when i checked "dataOrigins" i found unknown data origin with package name __platform print data origin

    i solve this by filtered the data like this

    for (dataOrigins in weeklyResult.result.dataOrigins){
      if (dataOrigins.packageName == DataOrigins.GoogleFit.packageName)
       // code here