I'm trying to create a small web application using Svelte. One of the requirements is to be able to change the application "theme" on demand, for example - dark theme, light theme, high contrast, and so on.
I've been using an online mixin snippet to help me with that - https://medium.com/@dmitriy.borodiy/easy-color-theming-with-scss-bc38fd5734d1
However, this doesn't work consistently, and I often get errors like:
[vite-plugin-svelte] /path/to/svelte/component.svelte:61:0 Unused CSS selector "main.default-theme div.some.element.identification"
even tho the selector is used and is receiving it's non-themed attributes.
Inside a themes.scss
@mixin themify($themes) {
@each $theme,
$map in $themes {
main.#{$theme}-theme & {
$theme-map: () !global;
@each $key,
$submap in $map {
$value: map-get(map-get($themes, $theme), '#{$key}');
$theme-map: map-merge($theme-map, ($key: $value)) !global;
$theme-map: null !global;
@function themed($key) {
@return map-get($theme-map, $key);
$themes: (
default: (
strokeColor: green,
fillColor: red,
and inside another scss file that is importing themes.scss
div.some.element.identification {
some-non-themed-attribute: some-value;
@include themify($themes) {
stroke: themed('strokeColor');
fill: themed('fillColor');
now the punchline - when using this methodology, some elements are receiving their appropriate themed attributes, and others dont.
I am also seeing the following error:
[vite-plugin-svelte] /path/to/svelte/component.svelte:61:0 Unused CSS selector "main.default-theme div.some.element.identification"
the issue doesn't seem to be in the css selectors - since the elements that dont receive the themed attributes, still receive the other non-themed attributes in the same css clause.
Two final observations -
I've been trying different way to solve this issue and nothing works consistently.
Thank you in advance for your help!
You could try checking these different items:
scss: { prependData: `@import 'src/styles/theme.scss';` }
or whatever the path to your theme is, to the config object.