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How do I access a data path?

So I have all the information I need regarding the data path because it was answered in another question. My problem is that I’m very very new and I don’t understand where I’m supposed to enter the text in order to actually get to the information.

This is the text:

private String getFilePath(){
    ContextWrapper contextWrapper = new ContextWrapper(getApplicationContext());
    File filePath = contextWrapper.getFilesDir();
    File file = new File(filePath,"fileName" +"*/*");
    return file.getPath();

  • obviously with my own file name, which I got from logcat -

Where do I input that in order to access the information? Like I said, I’m very new and would appreciate if anyone could “dumb it down” for me.

Additional information that may or not be useful:

  • I’m using a Samsung Galaxy a12
  • Device is not rooted

I haven’t really tried anything yet.


  • To access the data path using the provided code, you need to follow these steps:

    Open your Android project in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Android Studio. Locate the class where you want to access the data path. It's usually a Java file with the extension ".java". Within that class, you need to add a method that includes the provided code snippet. Here's an example:

      public class YourClass extends AppCompatActivity {
        // ... your existing code ...
        private String getFilePath(){
            ContextWrapper contextWrapper = new ContextWrapper(getApplicationContext());
            File filePath = contextWrapper.getFilesDir();
            File file = new File(filePath,"fileName");
            return file.getPath();
        // ... your existing code ...

    In the above code, make sure you replace "fileName" with the actual name of the file you obtained from Logcat. Once you have added this method to your class, you can call it from another method or wherever you need to access the data path. For example, you can call it from the onCreate() method:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        String dataPath = getFilePath();
        // Now you can use the 'dataPath' variable to access the data path.
        // For example, you can display it in a TextView or use it for file operations.

    Replace "your_layout" with the actual layout file name you are using for your activity. After performing these steps and running your app on your Samsung Galaxy A12, the getFilePath() method should be called, and it will return the data path. You can then use the returned path to access the desired information or perform any necessary file operations.