I am trying to use pattern to validate the value using regex as below
type: string
description: mail.mydomain.com
example: mail.mydomain.com
format: regex
pattern: '\S'
while generating a class it is generating as
example = "mail.mydomain.com",
required = true,
value = "mail.mydomain.com"
public @NotNull @Pattern(
regexp = "\\S"
) String getHost() {
return this.host;
public void setHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
it is appending \\
one more escape character
I have added
tried with \ and also quotes nothing worked
using patter with + or * will resolve the issue Ex: pattern: '\S+' or pattern: '\S*'
\S matches only one character, if we have only one character in the field then it will work with \S.
when you want a regex to match multiple characters you need to use + sign, \S+.
Finally able to resolve this issue.