I have the file config/initializers/custom.rb
In the file, there is only one line:
`rake thinking_sphinx:start`
I thought this was supposed to just execute the line like when typing it from a command line. With this line of code, when I run "ruby script/server", the server freezes and outputs no error messages. Am I missing something?
Initializers load when your application loads. Rake tasks generally load your application. If you call a Rake task from an initializer, you're going to throw your app for a loop.
If you're worried about forgetting to start Sphinx in development, just give yourself a little warning:
# config/initializers/custom.rb
ThinkingSphinx::Search.search "test" # test search
rescue ThinkingSphinx::ConnectionError
puts "** Oops! ThinkingSphinx is off! **"