Am developing a Canvas App and have hit a wall. The application performs some function and arrives at a list of user id's to which application requests must be sent. Following the steps on this page
I am led to believe that I can specify the userid's in the "to" field and it will work. Infact, the sample on that page also illustrates this. However, when I try it from my application which is in sandbox mode right now - it trips and says "Too many recipients.".
The code in question is trivial. Some posters have said that your application needs to be white-listed for this to work. I couldnt find any page / function that allowed me to submit my application. Popping up the dialog for each user is not an option! please help!
The code is below
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests', message: 'Try out my cool app', to: '123,1244', }, requestCallback);
It works when I use one fbuserid, gives "too many recepients" when give more than one.
The possibility to send an app request to more than one user is brand new. It was announced only two days ago here:
You have to specifically enable Requests 2.0 in the app settings. It's also possible that it's simply not working yet.