I just found a solution for Reverse LinkedList on LeetCode using one line in Go. It realy works, but I can't understand how.
There it is:
func reverseList(head *ListNode) (prev *ListNode) {
for head != nil {
prev, head, head.Next = head, head.Next, prev
For example let the list is [1->2->3->4->5->nil]
I got that it's work like:
Firstly go execute head.Next = prev
(head.Next = nil
, so now head = [1->nil]
Then, prev = head
(At this step prev = [1->nil]
like head
in previous step)
head = head.Next
and there is magic. For prev
on second step Go was use head = [1->nil]
, but after this step head = [2->3->4->5->nil]
So while head != nil
it's iterates and at 2nd step prev = [2->1->nil]
, head = [3->4->5->nil]
and so on.
This line can be represented like:
for head != nil {
a := *head
prev, a.Next = &a, prev
head = head.Next
Am I right? Why does it work like this?
Variables on the left side of the expression, are assigned to the values on the right side of the expression at that time. This is a clever use of the language.
To make it easier to understand let's go through an example.
This is our linked list:
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> nil
Before the function is executed,
prev, head, head.Next = head, head.Next, prev
Let's break this down,
The next iteration,
Basically, it reverses head.Next
to the previous node and moves prev and head to the next nodes.
Compare this to the textbook algorithm in Go to make it clear:
func reverseList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
var prev *ListNode
for head != nil {
nextTemp := head.Next
head.Next = prev
prev = head
head = nextTemp
return prev