I have a class-based list view that just displays links for each object along with some data from some of the object fields. The href
for the links is generated using a get_absolute_url
method that I've written in the model itself. The problem is that the database is queried each time get_absolute_url is run. This causes many duplicate queries (in the future, with more objects, this will be a problem).
My get_absolute_url method accesses some ForeignKey fields from my model, so I tried to use .select_related() for my queryset in my view. This did not change anything though.
How can I eliminate the duplicate queries from running get_absolute_url?
class LanguageLocale(models.Model):
"""model for representing language locale combinations"""
class LANG_CODES(models.TextChoices):
EN = 'en', _('English')
ES = 'es', _('español')
QC = 'qc', _("K'iche'")
lang = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=LANG_CODES.choices, blank=False)
class Scenario(models.Model):
"""model for representing interpreting practice scenarios"""
scenario_id = models.CharField(max_length=20, primary_key=True)
lang_power = models.ForeignKey(LanguageLocale)
lang_primary_non_power = models.ForeignKey(LanguageLocale)
class SCENARIO_STATUSES(models.TextChoices):
PROD = 'PROD', _('Production')
STGE = 'STGE', _('Staged')
EXPR = 'EXPR', _('Experimental')
status = models.CharField(
max_length=4, choices=SCENARIO_STATUSES.choices, default='EXPR')
def get_absolute_url(self):
"""Returns the URL to access a detail record for this scenario."""
return reverse('dialogue-detail', kwargs={
'lang_power': self.lang_power.lang,
'lang_primary_non_power': self.lang_primary_non_power.lang,
'pk': self.scenario_id
class ScenarioListView(generic.ListView):
"""View class for list of Scenarios"""
queryset = Scenario.objects.select_related(
'domain_subdomain', 'lang_power', 'lang_primary_non_power'
demo = Scenario.objects.get(scenario_id='demo')
prod = Scenario.objects.filter(status='PROD')
staged = Scenario.objects.filter(status='STGE')
experimental = Scenario.objects.filter(status='EXPR')
extra_context = {
'demo': demo,
'prod': prod,
'staged': staged,
'experimental': experimental,
{% extends "home.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Practice Dialogues</h1>
{% if prod %}
{% for scenario in prod %}
<a href="{{ scenario.get_absolute_url }}">{{ scenario.title }}</a> ({{
scenario.domain_subdomain.domain }})
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>There are no practice scenarios. Something went wrong.</p>
{% endif %}
{% if user.is_staff %}
{% if staged %}
<h2>Staged Dialogues</h2>
{% for scenario in staged %}
<a href="{{ scenario.get_absolute_url }}">{{ scenario.title }}</a> ({{
scenario.domain_subdomain.domain }})
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if experimental %}
<h2>Experimental Dialogues</h2>
{% for scenario in experimental %}
<a href="{{ scenario.get_absolute_url }}">{{ scenario.title }}</a> ({{
scenario.domain_subdomain.domain }})
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
SELECT "scenario_languagelocale"."id",
FROM "scenario_languagelocale"
WHERE "scenario_languagelocale"."id" = 1
LIMIT 21 6 similar queries. Duplicated 3 times.
SELECT "scenario_languagelocale"."id",
FROM "scenario_languagelocale"
WHERE "scenario_languagelocale"."id" = 3
LIMIT 21 6 similar queries. Duplicated 2 times.
I would advise not to use extra_context
. This will prevent reevaluating the query between two requests, which means that if you thus add an extra Scenario
, and you do not restart the server, it will not "update' the list when you ask for the scenario's again. The demo
query is even more problematic, since that runs immediately when you start the server, and thus can raise errors if you run this on a server with a database, without such demo Scenario
You can however work with queryset
which already performs a .select_related(…)
on the necessary relations here, so:
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
class ScenarioListView(generic.ListView):
"""View class for list of Scenarios"""
queryset = Scenario.objects.select_related(
'domain_subdomain', 'lang_power', 'lang_primary_non_power'
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().get_context_data(
demo=get_object_or_404(self.queryset, scenario_id='demo'),