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PostgreSQL: count all grouped by month including gaps

I have a pretty simple query to do - a table has a date field and I need to select count of all rows, grouped by month including gaps.

I have the following query that works for days, but it does not work for month

SELECT as period, count( as count
FROM generate_series((now() - interval '1 year')::date, now()::date, '1 month'::interval) AS f(date)
LEFT JOIN my_table AS e ON e.created_at::date =

For some reason this query returns zero's for all rows.

This query works, but it does not fill in gaps

SELECT date_trunc('month', created_at) AS txn_month, count(*) as count
FROM my_table
GROUP BY txn_month

What is the right way to do so?


  • The following query returns the number of rows in my_table for each period, including periods without corresponding data in my_table.

    WITH agg_periods AS (
      SELECT s.period_start, s.period_start + p.agg_interval AS period_end
        FROM (SELECT 'P1M'::interval AS agg_interval) p
       CROSS JOIN generate_series(date_trunc('month', now()) - 'P1Y'::interval, now(), p.agg_interval) s(period_start)
    SELECT f.period_start AS period, count( AS COUNT
      FROM agg_periods f
      LEFT JOIN my_table e
        ON f.period_start <= e.created_at
           AND e.created_at < f.period_end
     GROUP BY f.period_start
     ORDER BY f.period_start;

    The query is structured so that different periods can be accomodated by changing the period generation parameters in the subquery, agg_periods. Because created_at is used without type casts in the comparisons, PostgreSQL isn't prevented from using indexes on that column.