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How to merge geometries and keep one color per geometry in R3F

The idea would be to merge several geometries and keep the color for each geometry. An example with 3 merges polygones would be the following.



  • Possible solution

    • Set the color attribute for each geometry before merging them.
    • Use mesh with the merged geometry as a parameter. Give a material as a child and activate the vertexColors properties.


    Let's say we want to merge 3 polygons with one color per polygone:

    // Polygones to display
    const zones = [{
      coords:[[-2,0],[-2,2],[-0.4,1], [-0.8,-1.5]],
      color: 0xff0000
      coords:[[-6,0],[-6,2],[-6.4,1], [-6.8,-1.5]],
      color: 0x0000ff
      coords:[[4,0],[4,2],[5.6,1], [6.8,-1.5]],
      color: 0x0000ff
    • Creating the merged geometry with the attributes would look like this:
    let geometries = [];
    zones.forEach((zone,iZone) => {
      const shape = new THREE.Shape();
      const coords = zone.coords;
      const color = new THREE.Color(zone.color);
      const startPoint = coords[0];
      // Draw the shape
      for (let i=1;i<coords.length; i++){
        shape.lineTo(coords[i][0], coords[i][1]);
      // Create the geometry thanks to the shape
      const geom = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(shape);
      // Create an attributes (same length that the indices) that will store the color state
      const indicesLength = geom.attributes.position.count;
      const aColor = new Float32Array(indicesLength * 3);
      for (let k = 0; k < aColor.length; k+=3){
        aColor[k] = color.r;
        aColor[k+1] = color.g;
        aColor[k+2] = color.b;
      geom.setAttribute('color', new THREE.BufferAttribute(aColor, 3));
    const newMerged = BufferGeometryUtils.mergeGeometries(geometries)
    • And in your jsx you would have the following:
    <mesh geometry={merged}>
      {/* activate vertex color */}
      <meshBasicMaterial vertexColors/>

    An example of the implementation can be found here: Codesandbox