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Why isn't my script to convert docx files to pdf working?

I want to convert multiple files from .docx to PDF using Python. My code is not working:

import re
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from docx2pdf import convert

# The location where the files are located
input_path = r'c:\Folder7\input'
# The location where we will write the PDF files
output_path = r'c:\Folder7\output'
# Creeaza structura de foldere daca nu exista
os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)

# Verifica existenta folder-ului
directory_path = Path(input_path)
if directory_path.exists() and directory_path.is_dir():
    print(directory_path, "exists")
    print(directory_path, "is invalid")

for file_path in directory_path.glob("*"):
    # file_path is a Path object

    print("Procesez fisierul:", file_path)
    document = Document()
    # is the name of the file as str without the Path
    document.add_heading(, 0)

    file_content = file_path.read_text(encoding='UTF-8')

    # build the new path where we store the files
    output_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, + ".pdf")
    print("Am convertit urmatorul fisier:", file_path, "in: ", output_file_path)

I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Convert docx to", line 26, in <module>
    document = Document()
NameError: name 'Document' is not defined

How do I make this code working?


  • This will work

    import os
    from pathlib import Path
    import sys
    from docx2pdf import convert
    # The location where the files are located
    input_path = r'c:\Folder7\input'
    # The location where we will write the PDF files
    output_path = r'c:\Folder7\output'
    # Creeaza structura de foldere daca nu exista
    os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)
    # Verifica existenta folder-ului
    directory_path = Path(input_path)
    if directory_path.exists() and directory_path.is_dir():
        print(directory_path, "exists")
        print(directory_path, "is invalid")
    for file_path in directory_path.glob("*"):
        print("Procesez fisierul:", file_path)
        # build the new path where we store the files
        output_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_path.stem + ".pdf")
        input_file_path = os.path.join(input_path,
        convert(input_file_path, output_file_path)
        print("Am convertit urmatorul fisier:", file_path, "in: ", output_file_path)