We have set up application insights with our ASP.NET Core 6 application which uses application insights for logging. We use a RestSharp based HTTP client for executing HTTP requests which works fine.
When trying to debug calls made through the RestSharp library, I am not seeing any response bodies being logged, only the statuscode, while the requests are being (kind of) logged:
"name": "AppDependencies",
"time": "2023-02-02T06:05:04.6268266Z",
"tags": {
"ai.application.ver": "",
"ai.cloud.roleInstance": "MY_NICE_PC",
"ai.user.id": "ltK4V",
"ai.operation.id": "11bf52695a8d8ea19f1cb7573f2b195b",
"ai.operation.parentId": "324234234234",
"ai.operation.name": "POST to/somewhere [v]",
"ai.location.ip": "::1",
"ai.internal.sdkVersion": "rdddsc:2.21.0-429",
"ai.internal.nodeName": "MY_NICE_PC"
"data": {
"baseType": "RemoteDependencyData",
"baseData": {
"ver": 2,
"name": "POST /none/of-your/business",
"id": "bfa554335eefae0b",
"data": "https://none.of.your.business/my-nice-api-0/my=1&nice&=2&querystring=3",
"duration": "00:00:04.8666247",
"resultCode": "422",
"success": false,
"type": "Http",
"target": "none.of.your.business",
"properties": {
"DeveloperMode": "true",
"AspNetCoreEnvironment": "localdev",
"_MS.ProcessedByMetricExtractors": "(Name:'Dependencies', Ver:'1.1')"
We are using ASP.NET Core 6.0 with the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore
version 2.2.21 and the following DI setup:
services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(configure =>
configure.ConnectionString = "MySecretConnectionString";
configure.EnableAdaptiveSampling = false;
--- Edit:
I also made an implementation of the ITelemetryInitializer
to capture all telemetry for all instances of DependencyTelemetry
public class DependencyTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
// SKIP for now
if (telemetry is DependencyTelemetry dependencyTelemetry)
This showed me that for every dependency call only the request is being captured, but the response is not.
Finally I managed to fix this, the issue with not being able to log large response bodies had to to with treading, I fixed by not waiting for the task to complete, this works for me:
private static async Task TryUpdateTelemetryWithResponseBody(DependencyTelemetry dependencyTelemetry, HttpResponseMessage response)
await Task.Run(async () =>
await response.Content.LoadIntoBufferAsync();
var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
using var reader = new StreamReader(
detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false,
bufferSize: 8192, leaveOpen: true);
var responseBody = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add("responseBody", responseBody);
dependencyTelemetry.Success = true;