I really need some help with the OSMdroid library. It is useful to have maps stored in sdcard as zip files. Also, maps can be unzipped and the image files may be used directly for faster rendering.
I managed to load tiles from my sdcard when the tiles are unziiped, have .tile extension and are stored in the folder /sdcard/osmdroid/tiles/Mapnik/... To create my map I used the Mobile Atlas Creator and OSMAND tile storage format.
I read some tutorials on the web that claim storing zip files containing tiles are stored in /sdcard/osmdroid then the offline map will be loaded from the zip. But it does not work for me.
Did anybody managed to make it work? If so how?
Do I need to instantiate my own MapTileFileArchiveProvider? If so, how can I do that? Any examples?
The files in your ZIP need to be in the form of:
If you rename your Y.tile files to Y.png, zip them up and put the zip file in /sdcard/osmdroid/, that should work.