I have a Windows service application running under my username (installed via installutil).
Here are my start/stop event overloads:
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
catch (Exception ex)
protected override void OnStop()
logger.Trace("service stopped.");
is an NLog Logger instance, obtained like this:
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
Here is my NLog.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd"
See http://nlog-project.org/wiki/Configuration_file
for information on customizing logging rules and outputs.
<target xsi:type="Debugger" name="debugger_target" />
<target xsi:type="Chainsaw" name="chainsaw_target" address="udp4://localhost:4141"/>
<target xsi:type="File" name="f" fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log"
layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="chainsaw_target"/>
Then in a specific case I want to add a console log:
private static void InitializeLogConfiguration()
var logConfig = LogManager.Configuration ?? new LoggingConfiguration();
var consoleRule = new ColoredConsoleTarget("logConsole");
consoleRule.Layout = Layout.FromString("${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${newline}${message:withexception=true}${newline}");
logConfig.AddRule(LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Fatal, consoleRule);
logConfig.DefaultCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
LogManager.Configuration = logConfig;
The service starts up just fine, and the debugger attaches as one would expect, and if I continue from there the service completes its start.
If I then stop the service, a breakpoint in OnStop
hits, but when I try to continue over the logger.Trace
call, it hangs indefinitely and becomes unresponsive to the service container.
I was seeing this happening due to a known issue with the blocking calls to StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() where combinations of reading and writing to redirected console can deadlock. If you are using NLog to write to a console and you need to read from that console in the same thread I recommend trying the AsyncTargetWrapper. This will run logging operations on a different thread so your application can move on with it's own life and not get stuck waiting around for a task that never returns.
You can add it to your nlog.config
by adding async="true"
to your targets
section like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd"
See http://nlog-project.org/wiki/Configuration_file
for information on customizing logging rules and outputs.
<targets async="true">
<target xsi:type="Debugger" name="debugger_target" />
<target xsi:type="Chainsaw" name="chainsaw_target" address="udp4://localhost:4141"/>
<target xsi:type="File" name="f" fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log"
layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="chainsaw_target"/>
Of if you are defining the console log in code, like I was, you can wrap the target like this:
LogManager.Setup().LoadConfiguration(c => c.ForLogger(LogLevel.Trace).WriteToConsole().WithAsync());
You still have to be careful to avoid the issues seen in process redirected console output.