I'm using ESP32-Cam WebServer and capture the cam stream in python OpenCV+YOLOv8.
It works, but there is significant lag.
The delay is approximately 2 seconds after what the camera captures.
Here's my code:
import cv2
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture("http://ip")
while cap.isOpened():
success,frame = cap.read()
if success:
results = model(frame)
annotated_frame = results[0].plot()
cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Inference",annotated_frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF ==ord("q"):
Is this due to insufficient hardware performance of the ESP32 or are there any modifications that can be made to the code?
The AI processing slows everything down.
This causes video buffers to inflate, which causes apparent latency.
Drop the AI processing as a test. You'll probably see it play back with less delay.
To fix this, run the AI processing in its own thread, and make sure you don't force it to process every frame.