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View dismiss automatically in swiftUI

.sheet() dismiss automatically, just after open and the also pop the view on which its shown. Here is the gif file that is depicting the behaviour. As I open the google PlacePicker on "Ice Bath" View, the View dismiss() in back and move to "Edit Program" View. After that sheet is dismiss automatically.

enter image description here

Here is code that I am using for presenting the sheet. I have removed all unnecessary code. I knew that swiftUI render view if any @State, @Binding or @Publihsed property change. If this change occur in any view in NavigationStack, SwiftUI removed all top view from the stack. But I have cross verify these is no such relation of variables that may cause such behaviour.

struct EditNotesView: View {
    @State var openGooglePlaces = false
    @StateObject var viewModel: EditNotesVM
    @Environment (\.dismiss) var dismiss
    var completion: (NotesData) -> Void
    init(viewModel: EditNotesVM = EditNotesVM(), note: NotesData,
         bathType: ShowerPrograms,
         completion: @escaping (NotesData) -> Void) {
        self._viewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: viewModel)
        viewModel.note = note
        viewModel.selectedShower = bathType
        self.completion = completion
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {

extension EditNotesView {
    func loadView() -> some View {
        VStack {
            navigationBarView(action: {
            }, title: Config.title)

        .onAppear {
        .sheet(isPresented: $openGooglePlaces) {
            PlacePicker(address: $viewModel.address, latitude: $viewModel.latitude, longitude: $viewModel.longitude)

If you look at the console you will see that EditView Disappear first that cause the pickerview dismiss()


Just for the test purpose I have tested my code in simple and it works perfect. Here is the simple example code that I have used

struct TestView: View {
    @Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
    var body: some View {

            NavigationStack {
                NavigationLink("First Screeen") {

struct GooglePlaceView: View {
    @State var openGooglePlaces = false
    @State private var address = ""
    @State private var latitude = 0.0
    @State private var longitude = 0.0

    var body: some View {

        VStack {
            Button {
            } label: {
                Text("Opne Google Places")

        .sheet(isPresented: $openGooglePlaces) {
            PlacePicker(address: $address, latitude: $latitude, longitude: $longitude)


  • The issue is due to NavigationView which is deprecated in iOS 16.0. From apple documentation Migrating to new navigation types I just add this .navigationViewStyle(.stack) property wrapper to my navigation view and my issue has been resolve.

    NavigationView { // This is deprecated.
        /* content */