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Strange output of "TypeError" of "GeoDataFrame" when only calling the range

I come across a strange error when using range(a, b) in Python, which says I made a TypeError for calling GeoDataFrame, while there should not be any GeoDataFrame involved.

The process should not be related to GeoDataFrame. For example, I tried to print the range(0,2), while getting the TypeError. No error would happen if using the list directly (e.g.[1,2,3])

(The following are my codes for reference. They are generally for generating a network in Python-igraph from shapefiles.)

# Import packages
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import igraph as ig

# Import data
data = gpd.read_file(r"\streets.shp")
data2 = gpd.read_file(r"\intersections.shp")
range = gpd.read_file(r"\streets_range.shp")
OD_matrix = gpd.read_file(r"\OD_data.gpkg", driver="GPKG")

# Make sure the intersection IDs are integers
data["Inter_ID0"] = data["Inter_ID0"].astype(int)
data["Inter_ID1"] = data["Inter_ID1"].astype(int)

# Create graph
G = ig.Graph()
G.add_edges(list(zip(data["Inter_ID0"], data["Inter_ID1"])))['Length'] = data["Length"]

# Calculate shortest paths
for v in range(0, 7506):
    path1 = G.get_shortest_paths(v, to=None, weights="Length", mode='all', output='epath')
    path2 = G.get_shortest_paths(v, to=None, weights="Length", mode='all', output='vpath')


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 2
      1 matrix = pd.DataFrame([])
----> 2 for v in range(0, 7506):
      3     path1 = G.get_shortest_paths(v, to=None, weights="Length", mode='all', output='epath')
      4     path2 = G.get_shortest_paths(v, to=None, weights="Length", mode='all', output='vpath')

TypeError: 'GeoDataFrame' object is not callable

(So the traceback also did not refer to any line where GeoDataFrame is involved.)


  • You're assigning a variable to the keyword range earlier in your code. Change the name of that variable.

    streets_range = gpd.read_file(r"\streets_range.shp")