My f function is not working as I expected. I would like to find exact matchings in the given string but my f function is working something weird:
Let me explain what I trying to do roughly, going to give a local repo path as args in a slurp function then read all of clj
, cljs
, and cljc
files in the location, parse them into the string and then try to sum usage of Clojure core functions which are how many times used. I hope I explained clearly what I trying to do.
edit 1: I am going to try to implement the pure f function. edit 2: Sorry, I organized the question like MRE.
(defn f "searchs the given value(inside !type atom) inside given text(vector-0f-texts)"
[regex text]
(count (re-seq (re-pattern regex) text)))
(def function-text
"str-path str")
(f "str" function-text)
=> 2
;expected => 1
To make it clearer, I'm posting this as an answer, not just a comment.
Given this definition:
(defn f "searchs the given value(inside !type atom) inside given text(vector-0f-texts)"
[pattern text]
(count (re-seq (re-pattern pattern) text)))
and using this text
(def function-text
"(defn idx->meta [pair-col]
(->> pair-col
(apply hash-map)
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(let [idx k
str-vals (filterv string? (vals v))
str-paths (->> str-vals
(map #(clojure.string/split % #\"\")))]
(->> str-paths
(reduce (fn [acc str-path]
(update-in acc str-path (fnil conj []) v))
You can do some experiments:
(f "with-open" function-text)
;; => 0
(f "int?" function-text)
;; => 3
(f "int\\?" function-text)
;; => 0
In particular, ?
is a special character in regexes and it means "zero or one repetition" of the previous pattern.
This is nothing specific to Clojure or Java, it's a standard regex behavior.
UPDATE: exact matching of symbols Exact matching might be a bit tricky, but this could work, by excluding all the characters that are valid in Clojure symbols:
(defn f
"searchs the given value(inside !type atom) inside given text(vector-0f-texts)"
[pattern text]
;; See for valid characters in Clojure symbols
(count (re-seq (re-pattern (str "\\Q" pattern "\\E" "[^a-zA-Z0-9*+!\\-_'?]")) text)))
It also uses "\Q" and "\E" to simulate Pattern/quote
(see cfrick's comment).
Btw. for a more serious analysis, I'd look at I have some quick experiments here: