I have a navigational based application which has multiple views. Is it possible to use one single NSMutableArray for the whole applicaiton? Can i add objects to that NSMutableArray in one view and then remove object from the same NSMutableArray from some other view? I tried
myappAppDelegate *appDelegate = (myappAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
but it gives me null when i try to access appDelegate's array. If anyone can give me any idea or helping link or tutrorial. Thanks in advance.
If you are having multiple views in your application, and in that case you want to have a variable accessible to every view, you should always create a Model/Data(singleton) class and define the variable in it. Something like this :
@interface DataClass : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *arrGlobal;
@property(nonatomic,retain)NSMutableArray *arrGlobal;
@implementation DataClass
@synthesize arrGlobal;
static DataClass *instance =nil;
+(DataClass *)getInstance
instance= [DataClass new];
return instance;
Now in your view controller you need to call this method as :
DataClass *obj=[DataClass getInstance];
obj.arrGlobal = arrLocal;
This variable will be accessible to every view controller. You just have to create an instance of Data class.