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How can I import numeric lists of lists from Excel as actual numeric values, not strings in Python?

Im trying to work with data organized as a lists of lists within each vertical cell of a column, like this. The data type is numeric for all cells in this column, and each sublist has an int and a float.

I am importing the data using read_excel, and would like to be able to access elements of the sublists with indexing eg.


to get the first item in the first list

However, the contents of the cells are being read as strings (I also checked this with type()). So for example when I try the indexing above I would get "[", the first character of the string, rather than '2'.

I tried:

  • using pd.to_numeric on the column I got an "unable to parse string" error
  • when I try and iterate through the string and change characters to int(), i get : invalid literal for int() with base 10
  • using dtype = {"colname": float) - It cant (also cannot convert to int)
  • converting to a numpy array and then using arr.astype(float) i get "could not convert string to float".

When I copy and paste the data into the python file as a bunch of lists, it's fine and I can access the elements with indexing, but obviously I don't want to be doing that. I would like to better understand why it's converting the lists to strings, any advice is much appreciated.


  • Your Excel elements are strings along the lines of "[[2, 2.3], [2, 3.4]]" so cannot be directly read as Python Lists and subLists from which the numeric values can be extracted and converted. You need to first change the string into a true List by using for example:

    from ast import literal_eval
    ml = literal_eval(df['ColName'][0])

    and then to get the first value of the first subList:


    No type conversion is necessary as the value is an int.