So, I have a model where I want to insert a number of service stations to handle incoming aircrafts. "Main" looks like this:
In the properties of the serviceStations population I have set the "inital location" to "in the node" (the node surrounding the attractors). And the parameter "numberOfServiceStations" holds an integer of 6 in order to decide the initial number of agents.
However, when I run the model, the agents gets randomly scattered like so:
Is there a way to arrange the service station agents according to the attractors?
True, this does not work directly. You can force your agents to use attractors using a small trick:
and Exit
flow chart as below, make it accept your agent type:
block as above on the "New Location" and "Node"Enter
block: NOTE: Attractors work randomly and have no concept of being "full". You could see 100 agents on top of each other on 1 attractor.