I have the following method, which throws NPE in sort()
when I am trying to sort by a field which is null in the list :
private List<MobileSearch> sortAscAndDesc(final MobilesPostResponse mobilesPostResponse,
final String[] split,
final Comparator<MobileSearch> comparing) {
final var direction = getDirection(split);
final var modifiableList = new ArrayList<MobileSearch>(mobilesPostResponse.getMobiles());
final var comparator = direction.equals(Constants.ASC)
? comparing.thenComparing(Comparator.nullsLast(comparing))
: comparing.thenComparing(Comparator.nullsFirst(comparing.reversed()));
return modifiableList;
A comparator is passed as a parameter which is using several keyExtractors. You can see below some method calls :
final var sortedList = sortAscAndDesc(mobilesPostResponse, split, Comparator.comparing(MobileSearch::getMsisdn));
final var sortedList = sortAscAndDesc(mobilesPostResponse, split, Comparator.comparing(MobileSearch::getAssignedProfile));
All I want is to avoid getting NPE when applying the modifiableList.sort()
in EVERY case, but with my piece of code I can not achieve it. Any ideas?
You are using the comparing
comparator on the null values by using comparing.thenComparing(...)
and then only you use the Comparators.nulls...(..)
. You just need the Comparator.nulls...(..)
like this :
private List<MobileSearch> sortAscAndDesc(final MobilesPostResponse mobilesPostResponse,
final String[] split,
final Comparator<MobileSearch> comparing) {
final var direction = getDirection(split);
final var modifiableList = new ArrayList<MobileSearch>(mobilesPostResponse.getMobiles());
final var comparator = direction.equals(Constants.ASC)
? Comparator.nullsLast(comparing)
: Comparator.nullsFirst(comparing.reversed());
return modifiableList;