I would like that when clicked on a table, the icon on the map would be updated to another color. But the same does not happen. I don't know how to "refresh" the icon
import { GoogleMap, InfoWindow, useJsApiLoader, MarkerF } from "@react-google-maps/api";
import { options } from "../../../../../helpers/lib/MapOptions";
import { IDevice } from "pages/authenticated/DevicesAndAccessories/types";
import { useMapCenter } from "../../hooks/Index";
import { IDeviceReducer, IDeviceSelectedReducer } from "types/types";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { removeSelectedDevice, selectedDevice } from "redux/devices/actions";
const deaIcon: string =
const deaSelected: string =
export const GoogleMapsPageMap = () =\> {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const devicesData = useSelector((state: IDeviceReducer) =\> state.allDevices.devices);
const selectedDeviceData = useSelector((state: IDeviceSelectedReducer) =\> state.device);
const center = useMapCenter();
let { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
id: "google-map-script",
googleMapsApiKey: "api_key",
return (
{isLoaded ? (
mapContainerStyle={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
<MarkerF position={center}></MarkerF>
{devicesData.map((item: IDevice, index: any) => (
icon={deaIcon} // HERE IS THE PROBLEM
onClick={() => {
{selectedDeviceData.id === item.id &&
onCloseClick={() => dispatch(removeSelectedDevice())}
) : null}
I tried using ternary, template string, but I don't know how to change the icon.
// ~ Dependencies
import { GoogleMap, useJsApiLoader, MarkerF, OverlayView } from "@react-google-maps/api";
// ~ State Management
// ~ Services
import { options } from "../../../../../helpers/lib/MapOptions";
// ~ Hooks
import { IDeviceReducer, IDeviceSelectedReducer, IUserReducer } from "types/types";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { removeSelectedDevice, selectedDevice } from "redux/devices/actions";
import { InfoBoxStyled } from "./Index.styles";
import { IDevice } from "types/globals";
const deaIcon: string = require("../../../../../assets/icons/home-icons/Dea/dea-icon-map-not-selected.svg").default;
const deaSelected: string = require("../../../../../assets/icons/home-icons/Dea/dea-selected.svg").default;
export const GoogleMapsPageMap = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const devicesData = useSelector((state: IDeviceReducer) => state.allDevices.devices);
const selectedDeviceData = useSelector((state: IDeviceSelectedReducer) => state.device);
const userInfo: IUserReducer = useSelector((state: IUserReducer) => state);
// const center = {
// lat: userInfo.user.position.latitude,
// lng: userInfo.user.position.longitude
// }
const center = {
lat: -30.058598,
lng: -51.16944,
let { isLoaded } = useJsApiLoader({
id: "google-map-script",
googleMapsApiKey: "yoour_api_key",
const UserMarker: React.FC = () => {
return <MarkerF position={center}></MarkerF>;
const DevicesMarkers: React.FC = () => {
return (
{devicesData.map((item: IDevice, index: number) => (
icon={selectedDeviceData.id === item.id ? deaSelected : deaIcon}
onClick={() => {
{selectedDeviceData.id === item.id && (
<OverlayView position={devicesData[index].position} mapPaneName={OverlayView.OVERLAY_MOUSE_TARGET}>
return (
{isLoaded ? (
<GoogleMap mapContainerStyle={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }} center={selectedDeviceData.position.lat === 0 ? center : selectedDeviceData.position} zoom={10} options={options}>
<UserMarker />
<DevicesMarkers />
) : null}