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How properly run and use Docker in Azure Devops Pipelines?

I tried do run a docker in pipeline ,first i tried to use documentation : but still got errors

Its looks like my pipeline properly download a docker file but when i try to exec any command in docker file i got errors

    - checkout: self
      clean: true
      fetchDepth: full

    - task: Docker@2
      displayName: Login to ACR
        containerRegistry: 'Docker'
        command: 'login'
    - script: |
        docker run -d
      displayName: 'Run Docker'

    - task: Docker@2
        containerRegistry: 'Docker'
        command: 'start'
        container: 'Docker/Sample-docker-image'

when i run this i got

Error response from daemon: No such container: ***/Docker/Sample-docker-image
Error: failed to start containers: ***/Docker/Sample-docker-image
##[error]Error response from daemon: No such container: ***/Docker/Sample-docker-image
##[error]Error: failed to start containers: ***/Docker/Sample-docker-image
##[error]The process '/usr/bin/docker' failed with exit code 1

How to handle and properly use a docker ? Im doing something wrong in this yml ?

Edit: i added

        container_id=$(docker run -d Docker/Sample-docker-image)
        echo "Container ID: $container_id"
        echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=container_id]$container_id"
        container_id=$(echo $container_id)
        while [[ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' $container_id)" != "running" ]]; do
          docker inspect $container_id
          docker logs $container_id
          sleep 10
          docker ps -a

and it shows docker starts as exited status. i tried locally and every image works as expected


  • Thank you for answers. I made mistake only thing which i missed is a letter -t

    docker run -t -d --name my-container 

    This solved a issue, container is running and im able to run docker exec