It is not able to retrieve the item from container using item_id and partition_key.
Here is code snippet
from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient, PartitionKey
cosmos_client = CosmosClient(url=cosmos_endpoint, credential=cosmos_key)
database = cosmos_client.create_database_if_not_exists(id="database")
container = database.create_container_if_not_exists(id="container", partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/partition"))
container.create_item(body={"id": "id-1"})
container.read_item(item="id-1", partition_key="/partition")
response from api:
ResourceType: Collection, OperationType: Read
, SDK: Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0
Code: NotFound
Message: Message: {"Errors":["Resource Not Found. Learn more: https:\/\/\/cosmosdb-tsg-not-found"]}
I tried with different values for partition_key, for instance,
container.read_item(item="id-1", partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/partition"))
which gave error of bad request.
container.read_item(item="id-1", partition_key="id-1")
which is not able retrieve the item.
Here is information I gathered for container from database client:
{'_conflicts': 'conflicts/',
'_docs': 'docs/',
'_etag': '"0000fb09-0000-0c00-0000-647453610000"',
'_rid': 'zOBqAK0Az6I=',
'_self': 'dbs/zOBqAA==/colls/zOBqAK0Az6I=/',
'_sprocs': 'sprocs/',
'_triggers': 'triggers/',
'_ts': 1685345121,
'_udfs': 'udfs/',
'conflictResolutionPolicy': {'conflictResolutionPath': '/_ts',
'conflictResolutionProcedure': '',
'mode': 'LastWriterWins'},
'geospatialConfig': {'type': 'Geography'},
'id': 'container',
'indexingPolicy': {'automatic': True,
'excludedPaths': [{'path': '/"_etag"/?'}],
'includedPaths': [{'path': '/*'}],
'indexingMode': 'consistent'},
'partitionKey': {'kind': 'Hash', 'paths': ['/partition'], 'version': 2}}
It seems you are not explicitly setting the partition key value when you are creating the document. If that happens, Cosmos DB automatically puts the documents in a special partition.
Because point read queries require both document id and partition key, when reading such documents you would need to specify partition key as an empty javascript object ({}
Please try something like:
container.read_item(item="id-1", partition_key={})
Generally speaking, you must explicitly set the partition key value in creating the document. For example, if you had done something like:
container.create_item(body={"id": "id-1", "partition": "id-1"})
You could have read the same document using your code:
container.read_item(item="id-1", partition_key="id-1")