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Internal Temperature Sensor Reading of STM32 only updating after Reset

We are reading Internal Temperature Sensor reading of STM32-F410RB - NUCLEO 64 Board.


Getting the reading of Temperature sensor every 1 second as programmed, but the same readings are got. Only when Reset is done, the Temperature Reading get updated

enter image description here

Current Setup

  1. Windows 10 64bit
  2. STM32 Nucleo 64 - F410RB
  3. Using CubeMX IDE
  4. PuTTy for Serial Monitoring

STM32 CUBE MX IDE Configurations Done

  1. System Core - Serial Wire
  2. Analog - ADC1 - Enabled Temperature Sensor Channel
    Parameter Settings - ADC Setting - Scan Conversion & Continues Conversion Enabled Rank - Sample Time - 480 Cycles
  3. USART2 - 9600 Baud Rate

CODE Snippet of Main

int main(void)

  while (1)
      uint16_t readValue;
      float tCelsius;
      readValue = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);
      tCelsius = ((float)readValue) * 3300.0 / 4095.0; // To mV
      tCelsius = (tCelsius - 500.0) / 10.0; // To degrees C
      UART_SEND_TXT(&huart2, "Temperature = ", 0);
      UART_SEND_FLT(&huart2, tCelsius, 1);

Please kindly help. Thanks in Advance.


  • There is only one HAL_ADC_Start outside the loop. Therefore conversion starts only once.

    Inside the loop you just repeatedly receive the last result of the conversion by HAL_ADC_GetValue.

    You need to start regular group conversion by calling HAL_ADC_Start each time, then wait conversion to end by HAL_ADC_PollForConversion and, at last, get the result by HAL_ADC_GetValue